Cllr Rob Lee and Cllr Andy Patmore would like to thank everyone who contacted us about the play area in Carnoustie Close.
We are delighted to let you know that due to the pressure we were able to exert on your behalf, the Carnoustie Close play area will be refurbished.
We had highlighted a number of safety issues that were then identified in the last independent playground inspectors report.
These safety issues will now be resolved along with the installation of a new mini basket swing, some Fox/Mouse play challenge signs installed to the fencing, the bow-top railings repainted and the fitting of a new self-closing mechanism to the gate.
Work will also be undertaken to reconstruct the two flights of steps as well as the redecoration of all the play items.
These works will bring much needed improvements and give children a higher standard play area. Work should be completed by the end of March.